You can email to: or at
The Nosey & Bored can follow me on Twitter: @DyfeddRex but I'm not on there much, cannot keep up that supercharged pace to follow the many threads these days.
Or find me on Facebook:
Google+, just look for Dyfedd Rex. Yeah, they gave me that, unasked. TYVM Google.
Snail Mail:
No longer accepted... Too many packages from ex-friend's that were ticking.....
Chat is something I only do with family, friends, and stray animals on the street.
{yes, I get a lot of strange looks for talking to wild animals, but they at least are not trying to sell me something and I've found skunks will lower the tail if spoken to politely.}
Favorite Bar you can find me in:
Folded due to lack of my patronage while I was out of state. Both of them, my Nebraska one and my Utah one. Not sure I am up to building a new drinking commitment at this time.
Coffee Stop:
You don't want to interrupt that cup of coffee..... getting between a hungry man-eating tiger and its prey is safer. Trust me.
Welcome to the place where Dyfedd Rex's footsteps in the electron sands reside. Enjoy the poems, stories, and other things I post here. Support a fellow, if you like them, buy one of the books on the various "published" tabs. Use the Poem / Story Jump-links to find chapters of serialized tales or poetry series you seek. !!!RECONSTRUCTION ONGOING!!!