Thursday, March 29, 2012

Days of Penance for Venial Sins - A Poem

The walk is one I make
twice a week if not more
to do a few good deeds
in atonement for my many sins.

But each trip I make there
to the food bank to volunteer,
my eyes get me into trouble
as I pass through Liberty Park

For as I walk that sidewalk
joggers and skaters pass me by
drawing my gaze not from caution
but the beauty they let show.

Yes, I know its a sin
but only my eyes are involved
until I fail to step carefully
and find where dogs left landmines.

Then my mouth barks out curses
that mark my soul with sin
making it so I must serve
more days of penance for redemption.

Now with head hanging in shame
I move along in the grass
wiping my feet and counting out
the fullness of my foolish ways...
...and how much more to volunteer.

(29Mar2012 - Dyfedd Rex)

Karma is a stone cold killer lady, and always takes her dues.... yes, I have stepped in the poo many a time due to looking at "the scenery", but not always... sometimes I find the doggydoo while watching the clouds and sky, the trees, or looking over into the Aviary to see which birds are out in their pens....

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