Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Winter ain't here yet... - Poem of the streets

You hear the complaints:
"Overflow ain't open yet,
the families ain't left
for the Midvale shelter
for the winter months."
Amid the other talk.
The cops seem nervous,
haunting the better places
where we can crash
waiting for the pot
to boil over soon.
I hope it don't,
but it will eventually,
a day or so
when the moon's full.
Cloudy skies bode ill,
weather still damned chilly,
even opening Drunk Tank
won't cut the numbers
of those on streets
enough to really matter.
Winter ain't here yet,
but that old man
is probing the valley
with chill rains, winds
and snow last week.
Will the weather hold?
Better hope so, folks
awful lot of bodies
not geared for cold
still not safe yet.

16October2013 - Dyfedd Rex

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