Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The current serialized story/novella idea

What is posting up here the next few weeks is some back-story work I was doing on characters, and had bloom out into a real tale. So, being generous, at the moment, I decided to share it out here, and get some feed-back and input on fleshing it out further, keeping as is and free, or taking it down when done and offering it as a sacrificial lamb on the ebook market.

This is truly background work, though. I am exploring things that I have touched on briefly in tales never shared, have tons of rough notes on, but never planned to do as a story. It just clicked, as I worked it over, the fingers disengaged from the ol' slime pit betwixt my ears, and did their magic with the words.

So, enjoy this tale, from my fantasy world setting. I present it here as it is not really a tale of Billenius or Scorpio, though the folks telling it are from each of those boys cadre of supporting characters. Zotikos the healer being Bill's physician friend, and Tam-Hattu one of Scorpio's foes. Or is he? Beginning to find out more about him, and it is very strange, scary to plots I had for him later, and yet seems to work, somehow.

And now.... well, in a bit, after another edit pass, you get the next chapter/scene from this tale, as I build the mythos and world up, in ways I never dreamed of earlier.

Also, update on the poetry collection, for those awaiting it. This boy stinks at formatting in HTML, apparently, so I might have to consult a friend, and possibly see how much to get it fixed correctly will cost. At least there is some hope of a job in the winds around me, amid the ozone and rain odors this week.

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