Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Broken Will - One last poem

They broke me, finally.
Shattered the will which carried me
past many terrible events in my life
through tough times, even a bankruptcy,
always to bounce back.

The will shattered loudly
when four year long rough patch
bore down to the point souls crush
into a single point of darkness
With no hope left.

The bastards won out
in the contest of tested wills
and now get their only due reward,
their way over mine, forever more.
Save in my leaving.

Right and Left both
failed to give me any help
so I now move on past politics
to live out my next chapter
as another mountain hermit.

Don't come up there
seeking to haul me back down,
I have no care to aid fools
who once they toss me aside
demand I pay dues.

So, one last poem
to say my piece before leaving
not that it will drop for eyes
to read until I'm long gone,
hiding away, licking wounds.

I might recover, perhaps.
But, will my temper ever dim?
I think not, this time around, folks.
Been kicked since I was small,
and tired of it.

Farewell to those few,
who enjoyed my words before this.
May your lives have been enriched, lightened
by the laughs and small wisdoms
I managed to pass.

And if I fade
into the darkness of forgotten men,
let the words surface from internet's depths
to stir the waters of Life
and remind you all
I once was here.
-you know who, undated, as this was the last posted to drop in future, or at the moment, who knows.

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