Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cancellations as others force my hand.

Never tell me call. I might not be bluffing.

Case in point, never, ever tell me that you support me in things, then cut my legs out from under me.

Once more, this is happening, and I find my hand forced into taking steps I am not happy over.

Telling me I'm no longer welcome in a place while I try to rebuild gets you the following actions.

One: No more job applications. Any put out now would not come through before the deadline laid upon me, and folks fail to see this, so, why waste my time or a potential employers on a risk that will not pay off, as I will have no place to stay, and no place to shower. End of discussion.

Two: I'm having to throw in the towel on my eBook ideas, as those take too long to set up, I'm finding. So, "Words from the Pipe & Under the Hat" will never see electrons, nor will Billenius be reinstated as a eBook as planned. You just flushed the fall back plan down the drain too, with your stupid decision.

Three: Once the deadline hits, I will NOT be available for contact, so all my contact info is now being taken down, as I will not have access to the web to receive anything. The computer is NOT going with me this time, I'm giving up. Same for the cell phone.

Four: I will probably shut down the Billenius and Scorpio blogs, toss things over here, and then let you see what you missed out on that way.

Five: Don't call me, and I won't call you, world. I gave four years effort, in dire circumstances, trying to rejoin a society that does not see things in shades of grey. Enjoy you monochrome world views, and I'll keep all future sunsets and rises to myself. I'm greedy that way.

Six: Without my computer, writing will be damned near impossible, with my goods being limited to what I can carry. That means only some small pocket notebooks and a few pencils, so anything I write will be far more measured, and controlled. And for me alone, from now on, unless something breaks.

Seven: As I say in a post tomorrow, any outstanding job apps best be prepared for the shock that the address listed is no longer valid, and "homeless" is replacing it. If that is not acceptable, then I guess folks will have to pass, or accept me rejecting any foolish offers based on some miracle happening.

Eight: My social media accounts will still be there, but I won't, so don't waste your time trying to reach me that way, and in the interim, don't waste either of ours' time with silly hope or religion messages.

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