Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Poetry? Philosophy? or One from the view of the other?

There is a poetry about some philosophies
that twist the words about in dance
leaving one to feel lost in the flow
about you as they are read in quiet.

There are so many philosophies about poetry
one barely knows where to start out
from calling it words to soothe the soul
or a nasty, wicked habit you don't like.

Truth be told, they are intertwined tight
wound up into a near singularity of words
each conveying many meanings within
sometime carrying concepts unintended.

So you seek a sage as metaphysical guide
someone to hold a guide on high up
for you to follow through the maze
the words are built into at times.

The poet works with words and images
as the philosophers work with words and ideas
and some weld the two disciplines together
seeking to make beauty with words of spirit.

Stanzas, choruses, lines and words become sharp
even as intent is shrouded in the vagaries
where meanings try to leak out between the ink
seeking to excite some one's brain just for a moment.

Deeper callings are presented within the forms
words chosen to be like daggers of old
to penetrate armor built up in ignorance
and release the souls bound within such rigidity.

The metal we sheath ourselves in now
is not to save the body so much
as its there to keep out new thoughts
holding us in brittle and dangerous rigidity.

Can you see the words blossom with power?
Even as ideas collapse fast into seeds of words?
each seeking to return to Earth's warm embrace
and grow safely or wait for a personal Spring's arrival.

Every letter now floats in the air around me
seeking rearrangement in my foggy head
to either shroud or illuminate what I lay out
can you see where I am headed with this?

Neither can I, for philosophy oft fails
to convey directly what I have to share
as the preacher man walks by me softly
offering his own thoughts of the day.

And as he hath his philosophy to spread
so too do I have one to sow and harvest
farmed out in rows of digital words and sigils
within which lay my soul, dreams and perhaps...
         ... my own path to redemption's embrace.

(12/6/2011 - Dyfedd Rex)

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