Monday, June 18, 2012

Projects Update.

My life and projects are colliding, in weird ways. Everytime I get a head of steam worked up on a project, work falls into my lap. When the work ends, the boiler in my brain needs to be refired to get that steam back to power levels sufficient to carry on. But such is Life.

This is just an update today. No poems...yet.

I am currently dealing with 3 projects: two related, one unrelated. First is the Steampunk novel I did for NaNoWriMo last fall/winter. Its in 2nd draft/info-verify stage. Second is an Urban Fantasy short story that is in 5th draft, waiting for feedback from some folks reading it. Last is another urban fantasy short/novella (won't know how long until I get it flowing out, but aiming for short) with the same characters that cropped out of the first somehow.

So, yes, I am writing, just not what shows here. Then again... maybe I can. There is a short I did a while back where this character and some of his bits came from. I can share either the original I did for a forum writing challenge somewhere. Or I can rework it for what the character evolved into. Perhaps both?

We'll see. But that may create a 4th project. But I like being busy over being bored.

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