Thursday, July 5, 2012

Current dry spell has a benefit in near future

Well, this is the truth. Yeah, I hit a dry spell on poems, but its not that I am not writng. Scorpio sat down in my head, telling me a tale he mentioned once, and its flowing out between spat of some work (yahoo for the much needed cash!). Be patient, folks.
"Vines and Knives" is a gory and gross tale, not sure how much scrubbing it will garner in the edit, but chapter 1 is about done with first draft (2nd actually as this project is revived from the trash heap). Watch for it soon over on the Hunts of Scorpio Kenrai @ or listen in to my occassional tweets about how things are going by following @DyfeddRex on Twitter!

Hope you can read this soon, goal is next Friday.

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