Friday, March 27, 2015

That #@#$%! Season Again.

The Dunderheads are rising,
up on both horizons,
Left and Far Right,
leaving me fearing greatly,
this coming political season.

Ware the Dunderheads roaring,
their battle cries strident
against the soft words
the Centrists all speak,
drowning out intelligent thoughts.

This is the season,
when the political cyclones
gather in their names
to entertains a few,
and sicken the rest.

You know this season,
by the counter's ticking
as we log cases
of "Foot in Mouth"
and "Pants Spontaneously Combusting".

Sadly, this yammering crowd
takes to damned long
to thin out enough
for reasonable folks' work
to choose be easy.

Yeah, mock me, gang.
But really, I'm right.
The earliest contenders in
are rarely the ones
who survive to end.

So, hear my call
ye of the words,
mockers of foolish actions,
and sane society members,
and unleash the Sarcasm.

For they resist Truth,
prove lacking of Honesty,
lack all moral Courage,
and worst of all,
can't take a Joke.

So smack them around,
until they speak truth,
or bow out fast,
lest we really unload
with more than Sarcasm.

For I have loaded
Double Ought Truth Shot,
soaked in Sour Sarcasm,
and carried by sabot
carved from pure Satire.

And that is just the first rounds, the rest? Oh, much more psychically damaging to fragile political hack egos.
27March2015 - Dyfedd Rex

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