Monday, January 4, 2016

Where to go now with writing?

So, having tried my hand at it, and still not sure I have the drive to be a professional at writing, but enjoying the tales I've told, even if I don't share or shop them out, I'm in a quandry, should I keep it up, aim higher, or settle into my own little niche? Should I lay out my mind on things out there, offer up opinions on things I see, be it in entertainment, life, politics, or just ramblings?

I will be holding one of my internal debates, letting the characters gather around the old mental patio during this cold season, to sway me to one way or another, as CJ still sits waiting, happy just to be in my head and holding the controls when I fly the planes on a game.

So, feedback, readers. Should I talk about things, offer insights or speculations, just keep going as I am, blend these all into something bigger, smaller, or just the same?

Talk, oh silent ones, leave that comment below, give me some advice, which I may or may not take.

But for now, I intend to lighten the tone and appearance of the blog, change that old banner, to something more humorous, or not. Unless talked out of it.

1 comment:

  1. DR, I can't advice you.
    Listen your inner voice, we all are alive - this means - we are under non-stop changes everywhere, in writings also life. When reflecting here, in homepage, everywhere - just stay yourself. But you do this right now. Do changes if you feel it would be right. About risks: every writer always have some risks. Taken, they means they are manageable.
    (hm.. looks like business advice..)
    (searching for tissues bcz of running nose; reasonable - January in this page)
