Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The many Sinful Delights of Dyfedd Rex

From time to time, I get a strange mood on me, and google things that few know about me.....
some even still echo across the web.

Once upon a time, as all sea/bull stories start out, there was this frustrated cargo pilot in a game, who hung out at a place he and his mates, yes, mates, called Mojave Roads, when not practicing Atmospheric Acrobatics over their torched out home, a place we shall call Planet C in the Texas System.......

He started a news agency, rebelling against the grain of that game-server's current one, and it slowly grew... well, not actually, it was fanned by a small war between factions... more a war of perception, as the poor cargo pilot was being driven nuts by folks trying to stop his pirating ways......

Yeah. I found what grew from that. Or the skeletal internet remains, slowly decaying into quarks as the web erodes that structure.

No, he don't want it back... gave it away, fair and square, just sad to see something Ihestarted out there dying, and worrying how much of that death his long silences in gaming and on the web since that gifting led to that. Could he have saved it? Fanned the fires yet once more? Not on the game it migrated to.... but elsewhere?

We'll never know.

I heard tell the three pirates drifted off, returned later, tried to go legit, turned back to piracy, then faded away, after the willing of the 'agency' to one they trusted was assured, popped up on other servers at times, faded out, changed games, changed names, tried to live down their past, but that on old cargo raider? The one who played consort to the better gunners? Rumor has it he turned to other things, writing from time to time, between long spells of thought invocational smoking of a pipe, sank to low-life status, and slowly rebuilt himself, focusing in two games, keeping his traditional three single player games going.

But from time to time, the names echo still... changed a mite bit, due to being johnny-come-lately's to the games, or to bury those days of evil ways.

But, if those running the ol' Datamine want, they will find a familiar name scrawled with curses and mockery on stall walls over on War Thunder, and maybe even see versions of those three somewhat familiar names bunched in a squadron there from time to time..

But as to the history of that agency, while I have peeked in over the years, seen some familiar names, others not so familiar, but probably known to that cargo raider and his crew, well, it seems to have died off, about two or three years ago.


And as proof I know the true origins of this broadcast entity. well......

OY mates, hows dey 'angin's? An'z who'z t'e 'Ellz idearz werez itz to'z lets Phonics onboards?!?!?!?
An'z whenz da 'ellz dids Mister Jafo'z e'erz be'z "nicey guy"?
Stillz owes me'z backs pays, 'e do'z....

Or just read some of the scifi stuff here, like "Black Banner, Red Banner" or the chapter posted of "Payback War"... you'll recognize that weary soul still, at least how he talks. And, probably come to shoot him out of the sky, just to save the language from that awful cant of his.


  1. Plz rtrn t yr lngge - othrwise yll b trgted n itted. Ja Ja.

  2. Chisos is dead and gone, mate.... dead and gone.

  3. Now i am pleased and spoiled enough :)
