Monday, April 6, 2015

Trying to squeeze in some writing this month.

Having a job, and helping those who helped me is killing my writing time and former schedules, but I will keep trying to write.

Some may ask: Why?

Simple, I have stories to tell, and I'd rather tell those stories than live them.

So, one thing some may notice is I have cut back the list of Works in Progress, down to seven for this year, plus any poems that crop up along the way. Not happy to do it, but I have to until I have my life together enough to support doing more. Not a choice I wanted to make, but one I accept. Just don't ask me not to complain about it. Or about Life not cooperating with me on letting me write.

I have to create something I have control over. After five years and change more of having no control over things, the writings are the one thing I did have control over, so I want to have that still in my life, just for sanity.

Also, I still think I have some skills with the words, maybe not in moments like this, where I lay out the struggles I have outside writing, but in those tales and poems.

Choosing the projects to keep was a cold-hearted process. I am abandoning things I really wanted to try my hand at, like a true science fiction tale, setting the steampunk things on the back burner, and tossing aside a story that was looking promising on basis of notes alone, to move forward with things much closer to completion. Not my normal method of writing, I like having chaos in my creative process,

So, starting next week, I will try, and that is all I can promise, to get some schedule down to move forward, and offer up some tales for folks to read.

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