Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another Day, Another Dance.

The old phrase
about steps forward
matched to ones
in other directions
leads me now
to believing truly
in Life's Dance.

Shifting around obstacles,
some moving about,
others stationary things,
I find myself
caught up daily
in this dance
around other's perceptions.

It's another day,
with new songs,
but the steps
remain so static,
one difficultly forward,
two side shifts,
and then backwards.

I cannot proceed
until others allow
this stupid party
to end gracefully,
and none seem
willing to stop
the preset motions.

Wondering what they
would do someday
if I refused
to play games
they feel necessary
to move around
this damned life,

After all, folks.
I'm a klutz.
One cursed with
two left feet,
and no longer
willing to prance
about this way.

Screw the music,
damn the moves,
and forget norms
set by others,
I change moves
and begin moving
forward only, determined...
to end it.

17Feb2014-A frustrated Dyfedd Rex.

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