Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Allergy Hell - A poem of confused suffering

You wake up puzzled
wondering what woke you
until it creeps over
and grabs your skin
that horrid insane itch
that lets one know
you are reacting again
to some damned allergen.

Reach for your meds
pray to not need
that still packed epipen
as your fingernails request
you scratch them vigorously
even though you know
it won't give relief
until this passes away.

I know this fear
have it most nights
will time be it,
when I don't awaken
until after the point
when its too late?
Since that damned morning
this is my worry.

But, Hell, with luck
maybe I get days
or even a week
without another bloody exposure
to break my health
allowing me to sneak
a few more moments
of serene joy in.

12/18/2012 - Dyfedd Rex

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