Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Storms of Fate Strip me of All - a poem

LIke sea anchors lost to storms

my possessions and dreams drop away

lost to placing too much hope

into one gamble or yet another.

With every wave of Life's storms

more is lost overboard so fast

I cannot gather them back in

as I fight at the helm.

Winds toss about like those of the Southern Seas

Rogue waves crash about, each seeking to take more.

Bereft of all my former canvas

adrift at the whims of currents

in a sea without any charts

I pray only for calm moments.

But the Fates are cruel indeed

denying my requests with more howls

as they send their Fury aspects

to harass one to World's Edge.

Every league I drift away further leave me undaunted

for in this moment I discover a hidden courage.

Nothing stripped away so fast

cannot be easily replaced once again

when the Fates take their hate

to heap upon another poor soul.

So still I fight with seas

turmoiled by so many other things

to find a way to regain

control of my Life's broken rudder.

Demasted though I may be, broken at the wheel

knowing the captain cannot lay himself before lost mast.

Nothing left to gamble against them

the Fates turn away from me

with a smile over her shoulder

from the one called Lady Luck.

Which gives me the chance finally

to take swig of coffee strong

as repairs are made with care

to survive their next crazy visit.

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