Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Things to pick up pen on again.

Well, the tabs are pretty much coming into shape, and the cleaning of the texts is in progress on the individual postings here on my oft over-looked blog. I did delete a chapter by accident, during the afternoon siesta urge, that I was fighting off regrettably. That will be fixed on Thorn-in-my-side-day. Until then, I am just futzing about, trying to work off the nervous energy that comes to me every summer.

One story, most of which was lost to a thumb-drive being stolen during my time on the streets, did stir my soul to at least look towards telling the tale after I finish up "Blade of the Eagle Clansman".

This one: Blades of Smoke and Shadows, another of Scorpio's early on hunts, before he embraced his alter-ego, and accepted being the scorpion over Tagrun. It will probably move up the list, maybe not to next, but the notes remaining to me, and what is in my head might start flowing out, maybe better than what I had done to that point. The first chapter is a bit of set up, and too much reference to other, yet to be told or finished tales, so I might have to clean that out. Then again, who the hell knows, it might force me to do those tales as well.

In other news, I am still trying to deal with the reversal of fortunes the last 21 months have seen for me. It is not as easy as you think. I still sleep on the floor, but at least on foam cushions down there, mainly due to being a cheap... well, you know. The desk is no where near what I plan it to be, and not moving either (considering I ruined both pairs of shoes this weekend, that will wait another month, as feet take precedence over design and style in my view). Other than that, not much else, other than replacing worn out clothes, feeding my returned with a vengeance ice cream addiction, and hoarding coffee (yes, I have spent more on coffee the last two months than on tobacco, but used less than was bought by a damned sight).

So, let me know what you think of the new look (not much of a redesign, being just color scheme adjusting, but better than it was, or worse?), and grab a book sometime this summer.

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