Saturday, October 15, 2011

BullFinche's Philology - a poem from a challenge/improv prompt

-Gaz is to blame for this one, he tossed out a prompt that sat there, stale as we all tried to think of something to answer it with... this was my ice-jam destroyer... brute forced, but I still like it..
The goldfinches had all gathered up
around the feeder in the cold
enjoying the moment under the pines
free from preying of the hawks
circling high above in patient waiting
for one to pop out foolishly
like the cardinals had just yesterday
inviting them down for a brunch.
When in came mister brown finch
from the farmlands all around town
to gossip for a shot while.
He sang and warbled the praises
of fields he had recently visited
and the joys of sharing grass
with cattle, sheep and even goats
as the pretty yellow city ladies
listened with eyes glazing over slowly
realizing he had been around bulls
far too long this last migration
for he was as full of manure
as the long words he tweeted
Not even noting as he bounced
from the safety of evergreens' cover
the diving of that cooper's hawk
Come to take Brown Finch off
to a dinner where he starred
as the desert before hare entree.

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