Monday, January 27, 2014

"Words from the Pipe and Under the Hat" update

Yes, I know, this is not on the updated projects for this year. Not through lack of desire, but a reality check I am dealing with. Delays that one cannot just work around, for various reasons.

Take the time spent still, despite my tossing in the towel, job-searching. Yes, that still happens, but I have grown pickier of late at what jobs I apply for, and avoid companies with a proven track-record of not hiring folks in my situation. And in looking for work I have a proven ability in only.

Also, figuring out which poems deserve to be in such a collection is tough. Very tough, as my favorites are not always the ones resonating out there. The way "You Gave Them Keys" and "Deerboy on a Bicycle" languish, as other poems posted here soar in hits tells me that, without a doubt, I am a poor judge of what folks will like. In fact, let's share a five of my favorites, which are in the collection at the moment, in my head and layout, at least.
 Here are the jump links to them:
"You Gave Them Keys"

"Deerboy on a Bicycle"

"Twisted Offering"

"Breaking Mom's Rule One"

"The Buck Sleeps Here"

These are by no means the leaders on my board of poetry posts. "God's Cribbage Board" still leads the way, but has new rivals. Not against GCB, it was perfect at the moment, just not the best I ever did, in my mind. But it goes to show, I have a long way to walk until I figure out why folks like certain poems I feel were "quick, in-the-moment poems".

Further, I just recently re-opened bank accounts with something earned, to start building back up my ability to accept money for work or writings. This took a bit out of me, as far as this project, and has proven the main hold up on it. It is still being worked on, as soon as I get some more information on price points and new vs. old (available here for free) content ratios needed to charge for it.

Yes, I said "Charge". Right now, the way things have been going, it is looking more and more like writing my way out of being homeless is the only way that offers hope. I won't ask much, just enough I can guarantee some earnings to come from the project, and take pride in getting money that way over holding a sign on a corner as my needs, minimal compared to some, for my addictions (safer ones, in the long run) hit me. Not that most hold my pipe or coffee abuse as true addictions.

So, yes, it is still on the table, being worked on, with new material added as I get a good poem to stick into it, but it will take a bit longer to see fruition to a finished form.

Unless I figure things out sooner than I think I can. You never know, stranger things have happened.
So maybe that will wander into my "Projects" list shortly, or by summer's start at worst.

=Dyfedd Rex.

1 comment:

  1. I am aware that the links are not working correctly, and trying to fix this now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Posting back in the actual web addresses for them for now, if the links fail, do the old cut and paste trick until I figure this stuff out. HTML and other web languages are not my forte.
