Monday, February 10, 2014

Somedays, you take a step back.

Today is one of those days.

I'm taking some steps, towards fixing some things, moving ahead with my writings, and trying to get some cash. Things will be quiet, or noisy, depending upon my levels of "built up steam" and other frustrations or elation. I will be getting things fixed on the blogs, hopefully, and learning more about when to actually post that something is a done deal and coming out (like, wait until its freaking out).

For today, the Billenius Blog is having the revisions done, and some steps are being taken to see where the heck I need to go next with that tale. And others. One thing is for sure... I need to start getting money somehow, and as no one wants to hire me, only interview me and reject later, it's time to start looking at the words and skills honed here, and in other stories, for some coins. I have a coffee habit to feed, addictions to nicotine, donuts, and ice cream I need to fund, and would like to have a roof over my head on nights I ain't surfing a friend's couch or floor for warmth/dryness.

Call it selling out, and I will dare you to live as I have the last few years. It ain't been all fun and games, folks. Getting sick of it, so, if you are tired of it too, only one answer... well two, really. One, buy the publications or stories I manage to sell to the world... and two, spread the word, this bum is trying to write his way out of it, and not backing down from that, even if I get crucified by the "review vampires".

hmmmmm. that has a catchy sound... feel a story coming on. Notes, at the least.

Later, gang... tinkering, note taking, and doing some writing today, towards this goal

D. Rex

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