Monday, April 7, 2014

Some favorite poems may have to be taken down!

Sorry, but as I move closer to rolling out that e-book of poems, it is looking more and more like many favorites would need to be removed from the blog, if I want them in the collection, and still charge money for it. Nothing personal, still looking at it, but I really need some form of revenue stream, if only to avoid "flying a kite" for cash, or resorting to less savory/legal means of support. Not saying I would, but you never know where your breaking point on moral standings about crime lie, until you wind up crossing them, as a friend recently warned me.

Like I said, I will try to keep some of the best posted still here, but I have to do what I have to do, just to get some cash to support at least my coffee habit... maybe a bit more. (I am realistic about my chances of making money this way. I do not expect more than a few cups of coffee a month or week, but would love to be proven wrong about it to the black side of the ledger, not the red.)

--D. Rex.

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