Listen up, folks.
If you bitch about those
who have no jobs
and live on the dole,
yet fail to offer work
for them to rise up
and rejoin Society,
You're part of the problem.
After four years
I'm tossing in the towel,
walking away soon, grumbling mad,
over the many times
I was left out
by your petty decisions
of who is worthy
to be part of you,
and who ain't.
I'm disgusted, really
at how America has fallen
from a land of opportunity
to one of privilege
decided by the few souls
with the right degrees, connections,
or just appearance, truth be told.
So sick of it, honestly,
I'm not sure I can stomach
any more from Society.
I spent myself,
these last hard four years,
trying to still measure up
to be honest, law-abiding
(save the time caught
smoking just inside invisible line
drawn by fools around places),
and trying to regain work.
Not that it mattered any,
folks still gaze at me
with haughty disdain.
So, I surrendered,
tossed my hat in air,
to follow where the winds
indicate I should head to.
You'll find me someday,
out there in some wilderness
dead or living through spite,
waiting for someone's hand
not to hold hate, but hope.
Something I'm not too sanguine about.
Enjoy the last tales
I leave here to drop
over the times to come,
but realize, I'm through sharing
what I craft with love
to folks who don't see
the man behind the work
or that it was work,
to choose the words,
and see what was there,
before you, that Society kicked
to the gutters and ditches.
I'm tired, worn-out,
and have nothing left
in my inner tanks to fuel
any more efforts on my part.
So, guess it is up to you.
Was I really so evil
compared to the sins of others?
Was I really so foul,
save in smell without showers,
that I deserve to be...
Exiled, cast out, and declared...
a social leper?
26September2014 - Dyfedd Rex, not feeling like working on even verse perfection today.
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