Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Changing gears... grinding gears... traction lost

So, this is just an FYI. A ton of folks feel that my online life has overshadowed my personal life, despite me already curtailing many of my activities online.

Then, they made the mistake of telling me that writing is not important.

Major crossing of a line in the sand, a gully really, one used often to hide a dump of toxic words I refused to share out, even online.

So, I now once more find myself facing the decision few who are creative don't hit at some point in life. Do I ignore their advice, and keep trying? Or, is it time to stops speaking about my writings, sharing them, or trying to get published, and just write only for me, only for my own pleasure, holding it all back to just myself?

Hell of a decision, as I was seeing some success, not fabulous, but those first baby-steps, that might have paid off a little someday.

So, that is the changing of the gears, and the grinding. The loss of traction is that this is requiring me to make some steps I planned on anyway, but at a speed, tempo, and risk that will guarantee failure. I will, to some, appear to have imploded into that failure, as they fail to see what steps were being taken.

So, for now, the blog is still here. But, there will be a silent period, as I weigh the options, make decisions, decide whether I am again at a "burn the rights, and damn the torpedoes" point.

Don't wish me any luck. Murphy is sitting here, chortling over the hurdles and messes he's raised in my way this month.

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