Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Internal Debate

To go on, or just walk away, saying the hell with you all.

That is the place I am at.

After four long years of being without a job, without permanency, with only hope, I've finally hit the bottom of the barrel on that last.

Oh, I could draw down my morals, and turn to a life of crime, as many in my situation do.

I could sell my soul, and body, on some street corner.

I could just walk into a heavy flow of traffic.

But I still have my faith, not in the world, any god, or such, but in me.

But, even faith can only take one so far.

And today, the final test arrives. After this, there will be no more of YOUR way, but only MY way.

Sounds harsh, uncaring? How do you think it sounds to me, coming from a society, from people, who have not a fucking clue?

And that one cuss word should say a lot. Over the years, I try not to cuss. I'm good, really, at dancing with words to avoid it, so, realize, when I start cussing, it is usually all over, save the hollering, threats of retaliation (usually from the other side, I just warn them they don't want to push me any further these days), then the long silence.

One last try today. It better go well, for a change. I don't have anything left in the tank to keep pushing on the way folks want me to. After this, we go to my way. Or you can all keep on trucking, down your highway to hell.

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