Saturday, January 31, 2015

Benefits as seen by long-term unemployed guy.

Had an interview recently, where they stated that folks were passing on jobs due to 'lack of benefits', where my only concerns were "will it make enough so I can cover rent giving you this level of availability?". Yeah.

After this long unemployed, I only look to that one important benefit, the paycheck, when thinking about will I be able to do the job. I stopped looking at having a job that honors my Sabbath, stopped looking at healthcare and the like (that will come AFTER I get a job under my feet, and a roof of my own over my head). Yes, down the road, I will probably care if that job will allow me to have such, or afford it, being in one of the states that has yet to expand their state programs for the poorest, but for now, all I want is a job to start rebuilding my life, and get a place to call my own, that I can afford the rent, utilities, and fees at. Not looking for a fancy one, don't need a pool, big yard (save to have a place to smoke away from others, being somewhat considerate), community hall/room, gym, what have you. Just a safe, secure place, to lay down the packs, and never pick them up, unless I move of my own accord.

And that requires, as few seem to be buying the ebooks I've tossed out so far, a job with a fair paycheck.

Not really a big perk, to most. But right now, that is the biggest perk of them all to me.

Go figure.

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