Friday, February 6, 2015

Please Note Some Updates Here.

As this place is much more lively the past year than before, and hopefully stays that way, I am updating the look a little, some things will change over the next few weeks, some have already, and my attitude, after that black day a few ago, is again leaning a bit more optimistic than disgusted and pessimistic.

Given that, I'm adding up the planned writing for this year (yeah, I will keep writing, even if I go back onto the streets), so it is time to spruce up the blog, even as I spruce up the house of some friends (hence the time this will take, gotta sneak this in between writing bursts, painting, and home repairs for them), to make it look a bit brighter. Not neon, just a shade or five at most brighter.

The planned projects for this year, and other things that I might get to, or even finish hopefully, are now back on the WIP's tabbed page up top. Also, added links to my published works, segregated by traditional vs. self published. Yes, I will continue to self-publish some works for the quicker cash flows, still being unemployed, but there is a push to move to more items being done traditionally. The links are to the various ways, but the overseas tab is there for those outside the USA, so you can buy things as well to support me, morale-wise or financially (yeah, some published stuff is still freebies, but changing that as well, soon will only offer flash/excerpts/drabbles for free, longer stuff will either go self pub route, be submitted for cash pay of some level somewhere, or be blogged until I feel it needs a self-pub by feedback or cash needs), as you wish.

Next up, I am gathering info from many of my writer friends, and soon will add another tab up there, giving links to their webpages, author pages, or blogs, as they chose. When that goes live, give them some love, and check out those who have guided me, inspired me, kicked me in the seat of the pants, or whatever help offered, to help them back. There is a long list of folks I need to acknowledge that way, and offer the hand to new folks I take a hand at offering a bit of mentoring, guidance, advice, and help to, as well. Might as well pay it forward, and please, sometimes our only markers in this journey is traffic at a page we maintain, so give them a try, once it goes live.

Last... The side bar and labels sections will be cleaned up, just noticed that sometimes they are longer than the three posts on the front page, so it is time to make that a bit less daunting. Or less rambling. (That happening to my ramblings will never happen... I ramble... Ramble On, Ramblin' Man.)

Thanks, be patient, let me know if something is problematic in the changes, like color schemes, arrangement, et cetera. I'd rather keep those readers I have, than lose them for new ones. Willing to work with my audience, to a point.

Well, off to prime a room for the friends, then write on a interesting, hopefully paying, project. Later, gang!
Dyfedd Rex, slowly feeling his skin turn to paint. 6Feb2015.

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