Wednesday, June 24, 2015

If this was software
I'd be screwed
as the version number
keeps rising fast
on this job search.

Just want second job
but none yet
stand out to fill
my meager needs
this time around, really.

You try and try,
to find something
to work around job
you already have,
but the search fails.

Keep trying, son,
they tell you with smug looks,
someday we'll hire you,
if the stars align right.

Open the job boards,
walk the neighborhood,
and still nothing works
or the hours
they want don't match.

I stand firm, still.
Not yet despairing
of finding that match,
but worry over
compromises I must accept.

Stopped calling in markers,
that others dishonor.
No longer touch networks
built over years,
as they withered away.

Keep trying, boy,
they tell you while looking away,
not seeing the disgust
I barely can contain now.

One foolish place, recently,
asked for help,
no money involved though.
Nor job offer,
just "help us out".

A place I'd helped
many times before,
in the exact way,
leaving behind notes
about what I'd done.

Each time, no payback,
just jaws flapped
about thanks and someday
they'd pay off
this growing honor debt.

When I pushed hard
about those promises,
they got all uppity,
so did I.
And told them: 'Bye!

Keep trying, fool,
they smirk while stabbing my back,
not realizing I can
return that foul blow too.

With one phrase,
"you're on your own now on",
same as they gave,
when I asked for help.

24June2015 - DyfeddRex, probably going to Hell for admitting he ain't helping no more.

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