Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Amid the Joyous Tumult Tonight - A poem of the streets

New Year's Eve
and I find myself
still waiting for better days
the fading year promised,
back last December.

Still camping out,
homeless and jobless soul
wandering about the cold streets
looking for that break
to rise up.

I won't craft
any damned, annoying resolutions
this night to have fall
victim to my circumstances,
learnt that finally.

Amid the joyous tumult tonight
this boy will be quiet,
sitting in hiding some place,
seeking just a peaceful smoke.

The debate's on
about what to do
when the sun rises tomorrow.
Go to the feed
or wander around.?

Both have advantages,
but the latter sounds,
to my worn out spirit,
a bit too dull
as I ponder.

Dare I go
after a warm place
to sit and nibble foods
throughout the long day
when all's closed?

Amid the joyous tumult tonight
this boy will walk about,
wishing he'd had better luck
as the year dies away.

Things I know
for certain about tonight
are few and far between.
Will it be wild
or relatively tame?

There will be
none to party with,
as I gave up such.
And no midnight kiss,
lacking gal pals.

One thing's certain,
as others ring in
amid happy celebrations the new,
I will still worry
at the old.

Beyond the joyous tumult tonight
this boy looks for hope,
just a single break needed
to end this unlucky streak.

Come the morn,
when sun at last
warms up the winter air,
I'll be homeless still
and probably jobless.

Unless a miracle
rears its head up
over the milling folk shortly
and brays triumphant call
of job landed.

What will come?
I cannot say, surely,
for I am not seer
despite writing about one,
so, who knows?

After tonight's joyous tumult settles
into the grind of January,
I'll keep on slogging forward
just to piss off enemies...
... and tempt Fate's tempered blessings.
31December2013 - Dyfedd Rex, setting up folders for next year's works, poems, and other sundries.

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