Tuesday, August 26, 2014

So, Walked in on day one of the job I found, and it fell through. Not from any fault on my part, but the person I was to replace decided to stay on, and they had no other openings.

So, still walking that grey line between vagrancy, defined not as just being homeless, but also jobless, and being an upstanding citizen.

But who can say what that latter really is? Not me. I see too many who hold themselves up as upstanding citizens commit their own crimes, be those white-collar or blue, or just stupid things like speeding, failing to signal and the like.
There are many paths, but only a few offer hope and something without sixteen tons of debt to haul, to paraphrase that old song.

I keep pushing on, trying to learn to format things for ebooks (this is the delay in me getting out that poetry collection, the bloody programs keep jamming the stanzas of the poems together, double spacing the lines and a bunch of other frustrating stuff), and placing some job applications.

Keeping the faith on my end keeps getting harder. After sugar-coating my past before, I've tried brutal honesty, and next will just give stoic silence, telling folks who ask me about the past that it is the past, and that dog needs his nap uninterrupted. Don't ask me about my "X-year plan", I don't think that far ahead anymore. The only plans I have left, as a recent poem said, involve using letters from other alphabets to deal with the numbers and permutations already made, encountered reality, and died a horrid death. Plan Z, still untested, rests out in the Bonneville Salt Flats, where I intend to head in case of Zombie Apocalypse. Lots of ammo out there to kill zombies with, if I can trip them into face planting fast enough.

So, with the first published short story coming out next week, a few other things in the works, I again challenge my fellow citizens. Make me lose this bet with myself, that I would see more steady money from my writings than from working for you. Or, support me on the bet, and as things roll out over the next few months, buy them, enjoy them, share them, talk them up, and give me some path out of the darkness you seem to feel I desire to live in.

Waiting it out, being as patient as possible, but lacking severely the patience of Job,
-Dyfedd Rex, 26August2014.

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