Sunday, February 20, 2011

A commentary with humor and seriousness both on Recent World Events

  The Revolution has come, and the Tyrants now have their backs to the walls of their palaces. Two have fallen, others are tottering on the edge of capitulating to their people, and some fight back. The media and so many others are calling this the Middle East's Spring of Discontent, but the rumble of Freedom's thunder is being heard in other places as well.
    Places not in the crescent of Islam, that arc of nations from Indonesia to Morroco. I note that the Chinese goverment had to pull Texting from the phones in China, to stop a strange call for a "Jasmine Revolution" there. Chavez may have been the first to face this wave of all the dictators, when he started to block alternative media to stop the opposition groups in Venezuala from having a voice anywhere. And in Cuba, dissidents are being freed, and not forced into exile as their captors wanted.
    There are pundits out there who see this as the end of the world as we know it, and they are right about it being the end of what we knew of the world. Which horseman of the apocalypse, oh right wingers, is Technology and Communication? The end has come, not with a bang, not a whimper, but by a Tweet, a ringtone, a Facebook or MySpace page, or any of the other myriad of social networks. I would laugh my excess gut off in joy if it turns out that a portion of these revolutions spread on Online Dating Services. My word, think of it, what if this turns out to be those services hottest selling points down the road?
    Is it a coincidence this really got a head of steam just before St. Valentine's Day? And was big among the youth who are tech savvy enough to use those sites?
    Notice how the unions over there got involved, and keep the pressure up after the kids did the ground breaking? That is the working man, showing his muscles, and the staying power the "kids" in the colleges don't have. They are moving on, most of them, to their next cause, so its up to the working class to build the society back up, to lay the foundation for the new order their country needs.
    There are those whos say that this will change things to the end of days, but that was a thousand years ago. No, I will not give the endtimers the happiness they want. I note most of them have their hands out for cash as they preach their vitriole. Or sell out to the mass media engines of the West. They see at last, as did those in 1000 A.D., the second coming. They may be right, but in case they are wrong, is it truly evil to think this over and look deeper at the world? No, it is not.
    I joke about the role of dating services in this revolution, and hope it played some part. That love bloomed out of the tragedies coming from this fight, so it will be there to counter-balance the hate that always lurks in the heart of the mobs. And that Love, the most powerful force there is, the thing the endtimers all say God has tons of, can work more than hate. Hate cannot create a family, only destroy it. Hate turns siblings on each other, while love brings them to the table, to yell, tease, and just be siblings, not enemies.
    The more I hear this is the final nation state arising, the more I look at those kids, those workers, those soldiers, and think this. "My God, we are growing up." Not everywhere, there are still some in the crowds and those oppressing them who are raging adolescents, angry at the world for not proclaiming their supremacy, or challenging it. But more and more, its changing out there. There will be fights, massacres, and other atrocities. There will be pain, death, and crimes done in the names of good and evil both. But that thing from Pandora's box is out there, stirring folks. I hope they learn not to follow the path the French took, and have Reigns of Terror afterwards. But we are still children, not adults, as a species.
    This is a revolution, a world wide one, that our founding fathers, and that tall guy in the top hat from central Illinois, would just love. The revolution has come at last, and the tyranny they fought is being overthrown.
    Except here in America, where we are too busy embracing our new royalties, electing folks on family name, giving them political dynasties, something our ancestors fought to be free of. We are chaining ourselves more, as the rest of the world reaches for the freedoms we once had. That is my warning to you folks, the word moves in cycles, and we were free, and now descend willingly into slavery as followers of charismatic preachers, media personalities, or some cause at the expense of others rights, the rest of the world takes up the torch of Lady Liberty, to keep it lit.
    Now, go out and buy a cell phone, a charger, two spare batteries, and donate it to some group willing to drop ten million of them into North Korea. And include instructions on how to find those dating sites....spread that love. Don't forget to include that symbol of "We Are Here", that bar of chocolate from that town in Pennsylvania, with a note to give it to someone they love.
   And, please, I am too old, too set in my ways these days. Ladies, send those looking for love letters to some one looking and willing to change for love. You will do more to make me happy that way, then by bugging me with requests to bring you to the land of milk and honey. Find love among your neighbors, and make it work. You do more that way than seeking it in some old grumpy billy goat like me.

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