Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Have Political Opinions Too - A Poem and Challenge to the Powers That Be.

Glutton for pain and punishment.
Note: If you don't like poetry, skip to the bottom of the post for the meat and potatoes, but this is how I take a stand... with words, and followed by actions

Despite it all, I keep trying.
Each day I wake up groggily,
short on sleep from my situation,
not able to trust most folks.
But still trying hard to hold
my head up without cynical tilt.

Walk out into the cold mornings
and wander until the library opens
then come in, check my email,
praying one will say "your hired"
and always suffering that crushing disappointment,
as that dream never comes true.

But I slog through the darkness
where the spirits of others break
and my own determination is tried
with each round of applications sent
suffering for the sins others commit
as my allergies fire off daily.

I am the shadow of unemployment
not on the registers of officialdom
denied benefits, denied opportunity, losing hope;
but still driving on from stubbornness
for I am not giving up
but may change goals before me.

Others get benefits from ruinous policies
taking their stands with arrogant pride,
never paying the price of fools
passing that bill off to me.
But not for many more days.
My patience, like God's, has limits.

Hear this warning cry from me,
as I wander Homelessness' dark desolation,
you who sit in your suits
amid the halls of governing powers
your days of setting your compensations
may now considered to be numbered.

I am taking a final stand.
Listen well all who visit here,
for this voice will not stop
until "We the People" have power
over our elected employees at last,
and set their wages and benefits.

If you have a "Brass Pair",
I challenge you all to stand
here around this hobo of chance
and speak loudly of your discontent,
with one demand to haul reins
and tell the politicians firmly... "WHOA!"

Heed the call from the wilderness,
to make the politicians heed us
by calling for a Constitutional Amendment
that requires they come to us,
every four years, on bended knee
for their bread and daily pay.

But you never will do so,
for you fear the sworn retaliations,
forgetting we are the ultimate force
the trunk the branches grow from
with those three large, powerful words...
"We the People" now must act.

I will not be shut up,
I will no longer stand down.
This man is tired, beaten around,
but no longer has any forbearance.
I will no longer pay you
if you act so damned irresponsibly.

I will take all the abuse
the shutting out from any jobs
to achieve this one last goal,
and this I will truly pledge
having no fortune, only my liberty
and a life to dedicate now.

For I am a Punishment's Glutton,
the man who keeps getting up
no matter how you beat me.
Willing to fight this dark battle
against the idiotic Powers That Be
to remind them who is boss.

Stand with me, if you dare.

5December2012 - Dyfedd Rex/David Neely
Yeah, I'm mad enough now to force the issue. I call on all who read this to share it, show me you have the guts to stand up, and reign in the biggest waste of all in government. Paying for non-performance and incompetence of those in office, be it Federal, State or Local. Take back the power and spread the word...

Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of The United States of America:
"As those we have elected have proven incompetent by policies of ideological brinksmanship, it is hereby resolved: Congress shall forfeit back to the People, not the States, nor any other body, the power to set their compensation and pay. Such will be determined by a plebiscite of the People, in the form of a vote with the Presidential Election Cycle, allowing the people to choose an option of a decrease of ten percent, a decrease of five percent, no change, an increase of three percent or an increase of five percent.
"Congress shall no longer set the benefits of elected or appointed officials. The People shall decide on each issue independently from each compensation of all types, whether such compensation is allowed, and all future changes shall allow the above options and one more: that of NO to the benefit.
"Further,  if Congress fails to finish the process of providing the final budget before October First, those in elected and appointed office shall bear the cost, by receiving no compensation or benefits until finished. The officers of the People shall continue perform their duties still, meeting and moving forward. No retroactive pay shall be given for the period of the delay, nor may any part of their offices be funded during that time period save from their own personal funds. All funds in their and their parties election funds shall be considered forfeited to the People for sustaining the defense and protection of the people first and themselves only after those they were elected to serve.
"And, as those we have elected have proven incapable of acting in compliance with the laws and ethics codes of the land, Congress, and all other elected and appointed officials, shall forfeit their granted immunity to prosecution while in office. Nor may this privilege ever be granted back to them by any means, for the People have learned to hold this power in their hands from past misdeeds of those they entrusted with power."
If anyone wants to change this, it better only be to make it more ironclad, not make loopholes. I reserve my right not to agree with changes proposed, as I am not here to promote anarchy or totalitarianism, merely true "Common Sense".
And no, I am not a member of the Tea Party, Occupy or other movements. Nor do I desire to be. I merely am a centrist, who is tired of ideological stands of the Left and Right ruining the country... learn to compromise, or I will stop compromising with you.
-D. Rex.

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