Friday, April 26, 2013

Rebellious Characters - A poem of writing

Even before anyone read it
I knew I would have to edit.
so I broke out the ol' chainsaw
and proceeded to lay down the law.

The characters rebelled once more
telling me the tale was a bore
demanding to go back via Hell
until I wrote something to sell.

Angered by their snide comments
I engaged weapons of governments
flooded them with paperwork
in the parts of my skull they lurk.

Their revenge came last night,
sitting around griping under moonlight
about the lack of fire and food
leaving me in a really foul mood.

Now I plot out revenge most foul
running ideas past a stray owl
as pen scrawls out chicken scratches
that will be fodder later for matches.

Yes, the night was a total loss,
as we fought over who the Hell's boss.
I still ain't sure who won this round,
waiting for that coin toss to reach ground.

This is my current nightmare,
shared for others to beware.
Characters are needy little brats
when you try to have chats.

26April2013 - Dyfedd Rex

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