Wednesday, May 15, 2013

This Demon Does Exist! - A poem of Job Hunting Frustrations Personified!

I am working out his taxonomy,
that damned Ethernet spirit of vexation,
who haunts me every bloody day
ripping up my hopes for jobs.

He's related to lawyer Cousin Murphy,
with a dash of Perversity's Imp,
and a strong dose of Satan,
topped by Mammon's greedy genetic heritage.

Damned if he ain't stalking me!
Every job app goes awry somehow!
Don't tell me its just paranoia,
until you taste his nasty venom!

Tried almost every trick I possess
to sneak around his demonic vigilance.
Feints, bobs, ducks and weaves failed,
so I am left one option.

I'm gonna do a job application
that is all done with humor!
Make the bastard laugh so hard
he forgets to screw me over!

Now, like I said, I'm studying
his every feature and dirty tool
to prove he actually does exist,
and thus get my just dues!

Too bad demons are legally immune
to prosecution or civil law suits.
It'd be fun sticking him up
on the witness stand by surprise.

Call me crazy, label me mad!
Hell if I give rats' behinds!
This pervert is out there, laughing
even as I point him out...
... hiding behind all those dancing electrons!

15May2013 - Dyfedd Rex (Yes, I know, its cryptozoology to you, but to me it metaphysical biology!)

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