Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Reflections on Things - A poem of today's whispers

Just had long conversation
with an outreach team member,
about the thngs we both see oft
among the homeless issues.
Funny the views being shown
from our different angles,
how they hear one thing put forth
and we see another in force.

And all this amid whispers
of a scandal rattling trees
still just ripples stirring pond
before the tsunami lands
drowning out the daily needs
of those who are desperate
for some assistance to leave
this horrid homeless lifestyle.

Rumors abound this last week,
and yet we see little movement
towards any meaningful acts
that might really address issues.
But who cares now anyway.
We are just homeless scum bums,
or so folks say as we pass
moving about the town's bleak streets.

One thing I see now, too late,
this ain't some easy problem
solved just with money tossed fast
into the winds so wastefully.
No, it will require deep thought
over the underlying things
that create this problem now
for Society to fix.

But where to start the actions?
Is it wise to race forward
with plans for internment camps?
Or start communes for our use,
without thought given to needs
like how to clean us all up?
Obviously, you folks ain't,
but you all may be Nazis.

I used that nasty N word
to get your attention a bit.
Look, here is the harsh truth folks.
That is never the answer.
It's time to look at problems
with an eye towards fixing things,
the right way, first time around
not some slapped together plan.

So, pull your heads out, you fools.
You help perpetuate this mess,
not by giving things freely
but failing to hold out hope.
Have you hired the homeless,
or one long-term unemployed?
Have you rented to those down
on luck and money of late?

Don't spout Christian platitudes
mixed with selfish attitudes.
For a change, walk the right path,
and do as your Saviour said.
Not saying asking us to rise
and make progress is wrong path,
but do it with some mercy,
realizing our status.

I won't claim we are angels,
and while some may be demons,
not all fit that bill either.
And, yes, some of you reached out
only to be burnt by us,
but remember we're human
and make mistakes, just like you,
and sometimes avoid them too.

Can you honestly look deep
into eyes in the mirror?
Will they pass on your misdeeds?
Or condemn you for failing?
More dimensions surround us
than just the plane of tough love.
Do you have what it will take
to walk in our shoes a mile?

Try it. I dare ya.

18September2013 - Dyfedd Rex

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