Sunday, June 29, 2014

When Inspiration Naps - A poem of my Writing Issues.

Writing is the path,
but the waiting really sucks.
You wait for answers,
wait for feedback on tales,
and worst of all
you wait for good days.

Words still flow out,
just not as well anymore,
part of life's travails
pressing the source with plugs
that prevents the fingers
from dancing over the keyboard.

But still I try,
I crank out things slower.
Find myself thinking longer
before letting ideas fly out
onto the world's screens,
or off to distant in-boxes.

I try to resist
urges to sorely hurt characters
who fall silent suddenly
or just turn overly needy
of some words left
about their trails followed now.

But, in the end
the words finally come out,
slowly, fitfully, between smokes,
not clean and crisp works,
just things requiring edits,
done by chainsaw and belt-sander.

Ya just gotta persevere,
I tell myself, planting butt
into any available chair
and forcing the tale forward
even as I know
this ain't the home run...
but at least it's something.
29June2014 - Dyfedd Rex, cranky at how a certain half-elven hunter of men is turning rather.... talkative but not about his story. I want the Predator tale, not how you drove the Vampires of Dhibt's ruling class insane with hate.

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