Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Some parting words, though more will drop on schedule here.

yes, parting words.

After four years jobless, and having folks not understand when I warn them I must get enough hours at even a part time job to make a share of rent, utilities, and cover other things like food, giving me strange or shocked glances when it comes up, I am leaving. Or maybe even already left, like a thief in the night, sans the stolen goods.

I cannot, in good faith, keep trying, only to get kicked in the teeth constantly. I am not Job, that mythical or historical figure, and for those who only had excerpts of the book read to them in Sunday sermons, even he bitched and complained, but always in the end relented to the will of the force kicking him around.

So, I walked away. From everything, as you might have noticed. Tossing away first rights like they were candy at a parade, as no one helped me set up any of the stories, despite saying they would, or let me free up funds earned to have it done professionally. Instead, I got pissed off, and hearing those accusations by the grapevine of laziness, showed folks I was not. All told, yeah, things could have went different. But, on the writing of this, on the last few days of waiting for a job offer to drop, and only two left to answer, my faith, patience, and hopes are gone. If I am to survive another year, I must find a place to hide away, lest my allergies claim me, if jammed into some drug infested shelter like a sardine in a can.

Enjoy what you read here, of what is still to come, but sorry, I cannot promise to return and finish any tales. Why? Well, if a society dislikes me so much, as to toss me, and many other homeless folk aside, what do I owe that society, but the same in return. Before Christians toss stones, hold on and think. "Do unto others, as you would have others do unto you." One of the big ten, the ones that in my book, you cannot be forgiven for breaking.

So, to those who did good unto me, thank you. For those who did evil, or worse, nothing.... I do the same unto you. I walk away, leaving it to you to fix yourselves, and your society.

And it is your society, now. I see no more call to answer to a nation that allows and encourages such behavior. Thus, like a character in a old story, I have to become a "Man without a Country". I cannot bear to think of myself as an American. From now on, I am just Dave. Dyfedd Rex dies here, unless some resurrection of the writer side of me occurs by miracle. I have no last name, no middle. I am just Dave, who will wander off, find a place to winter over, and think on how to survive, praying some fools don't try to shorten my days against my will.

Be well, become better, and learn to forgive, and live what you preach, in the fullness of that Word. 'Cause, some of us, including me, see right through your bearing of false witness.


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