Sunday, February 22, 2015

Cleaning it all up a bit.

As I have said, I'm trying to clean up the appearance of my untidy footsteps here, making them easier to read, hopefully. Give me a few weeks to work through all the posts, clean them up, make them more friendly to the blog. And remember, as you do, I have been sharing many error filled things as well, which might get a few dusting strokes from my editing chainsaw, as I go.

In other news, yes, I passed the 2000 rejections mark in my long, fruitless search for a job. I am now thinking about offering a link to each of those passing on my presence in their company to my writings, to buy them, reminding them that I need some money, some how, some way.

One thing I'm trying, and please, let me know if this is better, worse, or in the category of "meh, who cares", is font sizing. It has been pointed out that the "normal" font size, for the font I use, is a bit tough to read. So, will this work, of should I start shifting fonts?

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