Realize I've been ignoring the blog, but some writing and editing was being tried with some new tools I picked up recently. Not expecting this to settle the debt of words or soothe expectations, as my best is headed to an e-book sometime soon, or going to get shopped around... maybe.
Its a long walk
up this hill each night
but worth it so many times
just for the views presented
as the sun sets.
Last night others followed,
seeking a place to camp,
so I offered these friends space
in my favorite accessible spot,
which ain't really easy.
My last few weeks
of making this lengthy stroll
sorta ruined my sense of distance,
not to mention slope steepness,
leading to some ribbing.
"Fifteen feet of climb
was about sixty feet down!"
and other such laughter accompanied remarks
I heard most the way
before the trail even.
Then came the magic
as the lake reflected sunset
of orange sky and violet clouds
leaving me wishing yet again
I'd brought my camera.
Yeah, doing this walk
so often these last weeks
gave me broken sense of slope
after I built back tolerance,
or at least some.
Even after bunking down,
the ribbing continued a while
but they admitted to seeing why
I chose this spot before
and longed to return.
Even with rain forecast
I will stay out here
maybe not this exact camp site
but one not far off,
for peace and beauty.
After they quieted down,
I lit up my pipe,
settling back to watch the stars,
listening to the night's symphony
and remembering things past...
...praying none fell tonight.
3April2013 - Dyfedd Rex.
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