Sunday, September 8, 2013

Litany of Ain't's - A Poem of Life Right Now.

Opportunity ain't been knocking,
More like it packed up
left the planet and this boy
long behind amid dust clouds
stirred by her departure.

Life ain't been good
fair to middlin' at best
with moments that rank down low
on the worst times charts
kept on Hell's walls.

The boy ain't quittin'.
Nope, just falling back slightly
regrouping and taking some serious notes
as he rebuilds his supplies
to ride out Winter.

I ain't dead, yet.
But life still goes on,
even for ones so far down
we can no longer see
the paper roll dispenser.

Ain't all in either.
But not taking many gambles.
Making decisions more slowly these days
as fast no longer pays
and too often costs.

Ain't feeling too poorly,
not doing well right now
despite things looking up at times
but that's the way things
tend to move now.

Ain't looking for partners,
ain't seeking out new chances
ain't walking away one hundred percent,
even as I threaten to.
Ain't worth it, now.

These are my ain't's,
things that still stand negative
issues unresolved at this crucial moment
needing to be addressed soon,
but ain't no rush...
...There will be time.

8September2013 - Dyfedd Rex

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