Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Resolutions: Not just for the New Year, but Life in General

Yes, this is about making New Year's Resolutions, that list of things you need to do or get better at, but at the same time, it is not. Far too often, we fail to do these, and keep adding them to the list the next year, which is good in a way, but not so good. It means, we are procrastinating.

Speaking of which...
Yeah, I used those words to procrastinate the one thing I do need to do, right now, not next year.

Thank you all, for reading this blog, sharing it with others, and giving this former bum hope and drive to continue on with his writings, against most odds. 

Most, not all. I admit I let some things block me, until I figure a way around them, which I tend to procrastinate at doing, as most hate how I tend to use the proverbial "bull in a china shop" approach to road blocks in my way. That leads me back to Resolutions, for Life, not just 2016. 

So, here is my list of things to get better at. Try not to laugh with me, as I do at least chuckle at this list of things that I need to improve upon, as I sip a coffee, nibble a cookie, and sit someplace warm, for the moment. (Relax, I work outside nowadays, remember? I'm not out on the streets so far.)

Here I go:

1: To relax, and learn to thank folks more for good deeds, and do more good deeds myself, remembering that there is still a mental image of a certain pin upon my pocket flap that starts the day upside down, until I do a good deed. (Yeah, I just dated myself, again, with references to things much older than most web surfer's memories extend back to. Google it, kiddos, with a certain male oriented youth group that is always in the news lately for issues about acceptance, being at odds with their own credos.)

2: To share more stories and poems than the year before, if possible. Connectivity, creativity, and time permitting, of course. Not just here, but in other places as well, if I can.

3: To actually do the things on that WiP list in a year, for a change (2016, here I come with more ideas and drive, and maybe time, I hope.)

4: To at least hold my position in one online game, if not improve it, in the wins to sorties column. I miss being in the top ten percent there.... okay, maybe not the most constructive use of my time, but it is done with friends, so it means I will socialize outside of work, and face to face, not just online.

5: To find someway to start helping those still on the streets, prevent others from joining them, that does not alienate them, or those around me now, or compromise my ethics by supporting agencies and foundations that sometimes fudge their numbers to make it look like their path is making a real impact, not just a drop in the bucket they often do, due to foolish notions.

6: Get some things published, each and every year from now on. Note that plural. I intend to start moving onwards, ahead, and on several fronts. Now, qualify that with at least trying to, and I'd feel better, but aim high, as they say.

7: Expand my wardrobe to include more acceptable things than just work clothing, but continue to hate suits, and refuse to wear one again until they roll me into a crematorium. And to find a way to keep the hat from battering up so badly.

8: To keep smoking, not from addiction, but just pure spite. I never wanted a society without smokers, just one where non-smokers had a place. Going the opposite extreme is too much like the old days of smoke anywhere attitudes that failed to recognize the rights of those against it. Oh, and to have a stash of baccy ready for tougher times, just in case.

9: To not do this kind of list again, until all but this one have been met.

10: Ignore #9 as I bloody well please, as, hell, this is fun, if you make the things nutty as hell...

11: Buy a small island, declare myself king, and handout various nobility titles and grants as I see fit. Okay, I do that online with a few friends, but hell, having a real island to base it out of would be a hoot, if I ever get that rich.

12: To be more open to advice, in life and writing, and stop trying to see how far I can go in one spot without risk taking.

We'll see how I do, but, at least I have the rest of my life to deal with all but 9 & 10.

Merry whateverthehell you celebrate in this season, and a Happy New Beer (Yes, you must change your brand, or at least the style in a brand to expand your tastes. Those who do not imbibe, it applies to Root Beer as well... so try another style of Sasparilla or other soda.)

23December2016 -  A Dyfedd Rex seeking to be on the naughty list this year, 'cause most times, Santa's budget means charcoal instead of coal, and I want to broils some steaks outside soon.

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